Les inégalités justifient-elles la fiscalité préférentielle accordée aux retraités ?
Mercredi | 2010-11-10 B103 Bérangère LEGENDRE
Mercredi | 2010-11-10 B103 Bérangère LEGENDRE
Mardi | 2010-11-09 B103 Sylvain CHABE-FERRET – libre In this paper, I examine whether the claim “the more control variables, the better” holdswhen matching in a dynamic context. I exhibit three situations where it is better todifference with respect to past outcomes rather than to control for them: DID-matchingis unbiased whereas matching on past outcomes is biased. I also study the special caseof evaluating a job training program, borrowing a credible selection rule from Heckman,LaLonde, and Smith (1999) and relying […]
Mardi | 2010-11-02 B103 Serge MESSOMO ELLE – libre The objective of this paper was to examine the role of microfinance institutions oncreation and expansion of microenterprises in Cameroon using the Schumpeter model and theVerstraete and Fayolle model of definitions of entrepreneurship. Creation of organization wasassociated with creation of microenterprise business organizations and expansion was associatedwith identification of business opportunity, value creation and innovation. The study uses ninemicrofinance institutions from Cameroon to assess the relationship between microfinanceinstitutions services and creation […]
Mardi | 2010-10-19 B103 Diana-Andrada FILIP – Cyrille PIATECKI – libre The development of the newtonian calculus has unexpectedly bea look-in in such away that the additive derivative approach ofNewtonand Leibnitz could have been replaced by a multiplicative one,more adapted to growth phenomenon. In this paper, we have triedto present how a non-newtonian calculus could be applied to repostulateand analyse the neoclassical exogenous growth model.
Mardi | 2010-10-12 B103 Nikolay NENOVSKY – Philippe SAUCIER
Mercredi | 2010-10-06 B103 Muhammad KHAN
Mardi | 2010-10-05 B103 Bertrand Candelon – Gilbert COLLETAZ – Christophe HURLIN – Sessi TOKPAVI – libre
Mardi | 2010-07-06 Salle Sully 3 Bertrand Candelon – libre A remplir
Mardi | 2010-06-22 B103 Wilfried KOCH – James P. LeSAGE – Cem ERTUR Anderson and van Wincoop (2003) make a convincing argument that traditionalgravity equation estimates are biased by the omission of multilateral resistance terms.They show that these multilateral resistance terms are implicitly de ned by a system ofnon-linear equations involving all regions’ GDP shares and a global interdependencestructure involving trade costs. We show how linearizing the system of non-linearrelationships around a free trade world leads to an interdependence structure […]
Mardi | 2010-06-15 B103 Yannick LUCOTTE – Grégory LEVIEUGE Inflation targeting is a monetary policy framework which was adopted by several emerging countries over the last decade. Previous empirical studies suggest that inflation targeting has significant effects on either inflation or inflation variability in emerging targeting countries. But, by reinforcing the disinflation process and so, by reducing drastically seigniorage revenue, the adoption of this monetary policy framework could also affect the design of fiscal policy. In a recent paper, Minea […]