Année : 2016

Estimation of Tail Risk based on Extreme Expectiles

Mardi | 2016-12-13 16-17h20 en sully05 Abdelaati DAOUIA – StĂ©phane GIRARD – Gilles STUPER We use tail expectiles to estimate alternative measures to the Value at Risk (VaR), Expected Shortfall (ES) and Marginal Expected Shortfall (MES), three instruments of risk protection of utmost importance in actuarial science and statistical finance. The concept of expectiles is a least squares analogue of quantiles. Both expectiles and quantiles were embedded in the more general class of M-quantiles as the minimizers of an asymmetric […]

Testing for Extreme Volatility Transmission with Realized Volatility Measures

Mardi | 2016-11-29 16-17h20 en sully05 Sessi TOKPAVI – Christophe BOUCHER – Elena Ivona DUMITRESCU This paper is about testing for volatility transmission between financial markets. The potential adverse e ffect of volatility spillover on fi nancial stability is a subject of great importance in the current context of increasing financial integration. We add to this ever-growing literature a new, simple and parsimonious testing procedure for volatility transmission. Our test focuses on extreme (large) values of the latent process of […]

The Importance of Direct and Indirect Reciprocity for the Emergence of Cooperation

Mardi | 2016-11-22 16h00-17h20 en salle des thĂšses Simone RIGHI – Karoly TAKACS Previous studies show that direct and indirect reciprocity are good candidates to explain the fundamental problem of evolution of cooperation between unrelated individuals. The importance of different forms of reciprocity, however, might be differentiated and one form could potentially drive out the feasibility of others. In the Prisoner’s Dilemma played in random networks we show that when present, direct reciprocity gains dominance over network-based indirect reciprocity as […]

Power-law distribution in the external debt-to-scale revenue ratio: empirical evidence and a theoretical model

Mardi | 2016-11-15 Salle des thĂšses Gilles DUFRENOT – Anne-Charlotte PARET This paper provides evidence that the external debt-to-fiscal revenue ratio in the emerging countries follows a power-law distribution. Such a distribution reflects the fact that external debt distress or debt crises correspond to extreme events that have been found to happen fairly often. We formally test the hypothesis of a power-law, going further than the usual visual inspection of the distribution of the variable of interest on a doubly […]

Natural resources: a curse or a blessing ? Evidence from Burkina Faso’s gold boom

Mardi | 2016-11-08 16-17h20 en salle des thĂšses Victoire GIRARD – RĂ©mi BAZILLIER This paper takes advantage of a quasi-natural experiment to provide the first comparative analysis of the impact of artisanal versus industrial extraction of natural resources on households’ wealth. This experiment is provided by Burkina Faso’s gold mining sector: gold represented 1.6% of the value of exports of the country in 2007, and 71% in 2011. We combine the geolocalization of – both artisanal and industrial – mining […]

Corruption and Monetary Policy in a Cash-in-Advance Economy

Mercredi | 2016-10-26 B103 12h RĂ©da MARAKBI – Patrick VILLIEU In this paper, we build an endogenous growth model describing a cash-in-advance economy to reassess the macroeconomic consequences of corruption in terms of monetary policy in the long run. To this end, we consider two main configurations: a model with exogenous corruption and a model with endogenous corruption. From this analysis, we can extract four main results. First, contrary to Al-Marhubi (2000) and Blackburn textit{et al.} (2011), the relation between […]

Endogenous currency crashes

Mardi | 2016-10-18 16-17h20 en salle des thĂšses Louis RAFFESTIN We present a model of the FX market with 3 agents: carry traders, momentum traders, and fundamentalists, where carry traders are subject to funding constraints. We show that the interactions between these agents provide a theoretical base for the empirical observation that exchange rates go up the stairs and down the elevator. Such microstructure effects also help to explain some of the puzzles of the FX market, such as the […]

A History of Macroeconomics from Keynes to Lucas and Beyond

Mardi | 2016-10-14 14h30-16h30 en B103 Michel DE VROEY This book retraces the history of macroeconomics from Keynes’s General Theory to the present. Central to it is the contrast between a Keynesian era and a Lucasian – or dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) – era, each ruled by distinct methodological standards. In the Keynesian era, the book studies the following theories: Keynesian macroeconomics, monetarism, disequilibrium macro (Patinkin, Leijonhufvud, and Clower) non-Walrasian equilibrium models, and first-generation new Keynesian models.Three stages are […]

Financial Development and the Duration of Banking Crises

Mardi | 2016-09-27 16h00-17h40 Salle des thĂšses Alexandru MINEA – ClĂ©ment MATHONNAT Using an extensive dataset covering 96 banking crises in 75 countries over 1977-2014, we study the role of financial development (FD) in the duration of banking crises (DBC). Our duration analysis reveals that FD significantly increases the DBC: moving from the lowest to the highest FD quintile raises the DBC by 4 to 6 years on average, depending on the DBC measure. This result is robust to a […]

Non-standard Condence Sets for Ratios and Tipping Points with Applications to Dynamic Panel Data

Mardi | 2016-09-27 16h00-17h40 – Salle des thĂšses Jean Thomas BERNARD – Ba CHU – Lynda KHALAF We study estimation uncertainty when the object of interest contains one or more ratios of parameters. The ratio of parameters is a discontinuous parameter transformation; it has been shown that traditional confidence intervals often fail to cover this true ratio with very high probability. Constructing confidence sets for ratios using Fieller’s method is a viable solution as the method can avoid the discontinuity […]